To provide high-quality communication, dispatch, and data services to its member agencies, the citizens it serves, and any who call on ADCOM for help.
It is ADCOM911’s vision to become the premier, public-safety communications center in the State of Colorado.
about us
our history
The Adams County Communication Center, also known as ADCOM911, was originally established as a non-profit Police and Fire/EMS Dispatch Center located in Adams County employing state of the art equipment and technology for phone, radio, and mobile communications. In 2019, ADCOM911 was reorganized as a governmental authority but kept the non-profit designation for its newly created ADCOM Foundation.
ADCOM911 currently serves a population of over 500,000 citizens, As the population of Adams County continues to grow, so do the demands on our public safety communications center as can be seen in the following graph:

Phone Calls Received 2016 to 2022
It is ADCOM’s VISION to become the premier, public-safety communications center in the State of Colorado.
ADCOM911 was founded in 1974 as a non-profit with the intent to provide a single, shared resource for emergency and routine dispatch services to public safety entities that chose to participate. After going live in 1975, the participating agencies used a collaborative approach, where the capital and operating expenses would be shared between each of them based on their proportional use of the system. This funding concept allowed for smaller agencies to realize the benefits of a state-of-the art radio system, cutting edge technology, and the capacity to handle large-scale incidents without the significant investment required for a single-agency dispatch center.
Both capital expenses and operational expenses are funded by two primary sources: member agency contributions and 911 fees. Member agency contributions, as stated earlier, are based upon proportional use of ADCOM911’s resources. 911 Fees are paid by a surcharge on phone bills that are then collected by the Adams County E-911 Emergency Telephone Authority for distribution to ADCOM911. Each year, ADCOM911 prepares a budget which covers all expenses for the coming year. These expenses are then paid by the combined contributions of member agencies and 911 fees.
ADCOM911 is governed by a Board of Directors which is responsible for the oversight and accountability of the organization. Each member agency contributes a single representative, usually the Chief of their own organization, to participate as a Board Member. The Board meets regularly to discuss the ongoing operation of the Center.
a message from our director, Joel Estes:

Thank you for your interest in ADCOM.
It is my pleasure to welcome you to our updated website and hope you find the information you are looking for. We are always looking for ways to improve our services and welcome any feedback you may have.
The Adams County Communication Center Authority, also known as ADCOM911, is a full-service public safety communications center that answers 911 calls and dispatches police, fire, and EMS services. Formed as a non-profit entity in 1974, ADCOM was created with the express purpose of providing high-quality public safety communications services to its member agencies and the public. In 2019, ADCOM911 was reorganized as a governmental authority but kept the non-profit designation for its newly created ADCOM Foundation.
Over the years, ADCOM911 has provided dispatch services to a number of public safety agencies. Some agencies consolidated, while others departed for various reasons. For the past 13 years, we have provided dispatch services to eight public safety agencies within Adams County:
- Adams County Sheriff Office
- Brighton Police Department
- Commerce City Police Department
- Northglenn Police Department
- South Adams County Fire Department
- Adams County Fire Rescue
- Greater Brighton Fire Protection District
- North Metro Fire Rescue District
Adams County has seen tremendous growth over the past 10 years, and ADCOM911 currently serves a population of over 500,000. As the population of Adams County continues to grow, so do the demands on our public safety communications center. Last year, ADCOM911 handled over 170,000 911 calls and over 500,000 total calls. We also dispatched over 300,000 calls for service.
CLICK HERE to view the Adams County Emergency E911 Telephone Surcharge rate.
For more information on 9-1-1 surcharges please go to https://puc.colorado.gov/911surcharges